Its overture was played out in the trenches of the Great War its coda on a ruined continent. Fire and Blood The European Civil War, 1914-1945 By Enzo Traverso Be the first to review this product Paperback Other Formats 61.10 Or 4 payments of 15.28 with Add to Cart Free delivery for orders over 60. There is an extensive discussion of the phenomenology of civil war, characterised by limitless violence and novel forms of conflict. Europe’s second Thirty Years’ Waran epoch of blood and ashes Fire and Blood looks at the European crisis of the two world wars as a single historical sequence: the age of the European Civil War (19141945).

By conceiving of the conflict as a civil war, Enzo Traverso provides us with a new way to. From this logic flows its use of sources such as Carl Schmitt, its interpretation of violence, and its assessment of the contradictions of antifascism. FIRE AND BLOOD: The European Civil War, 19141945 de Fiell. It argues that all “participants” whether civilians or belligerents were governed by its precepts, and that all modes of critical thinking, ethical discourse, artistic and cultural representation and political theory were drawn into its ambit, foreclosing on the possibility of thinking outside of its logic. Marsigli’s antiquarian endeavours in the field and the subsequent published accounts establish a massive contribution to the antiquarian tradition in the region of modern Serbia, and then – indirectly, through the works of the 19th century authors – to Serbian archaeology in general.Fire and Blood aims to establish the validity of a European civil war, 1914-45 as an historical period. Under the title De antiquitatibus Romanorum ad ripas Danubii, in accordance with the best antiquarian traditions, the learned Count offers a comprehensive and systematic review of the Roman material culture along the Danube banks – in his own words – of Pannonia and Moesia. The very title suggests the importance Marsigli assigned to the Classical past, whose vestiges he described in the second of six books of this work. He published the results of his research in the volume entitled Danubius Pannonico-Mysicus. In Fire and Blood, historian Enzo Traverso sets his sights on two concepts: the facile equation of totalitarianisms, and the equally facile belief in the inevitability of historical progress. It opened with conventional declarations of war and finished with unconditional surrender. Its overture was played out in the trenches of the Great War its coda on a ruined continent. Marsigli got acquainted with the rich heritage (above all from the Roman times) of the region. Fire and Blood looks at the European crisis of the two world wars as a single historical sequence: the age of the European Civil War (19141945). It opened with conventional declarations of war and finished with 'unconditional surrender. During the Vienna war (1683-1699), and then fortifying the new frontier after the Peace of Karlovac (1699-1701), L. Fire and Blood looks at the European crisis of the two world wars as a single historical sequence: the age of the European Civil War (1914-1945). Born in an aristocratic family in Bologna, highly educated, serving in the Austrian Imperial army by the end of 17th century, Count Marsigli spent almost two decades in the lands of the middle Danube valley. However, the life and work of Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli (1658-1730) offers a significantly different view of the roots of archaeology in these parts. Numerous reviews of the history of archaeology in Serbia, both by local and foreign authors, consolidate this view. Fire and Blood The European Civil War, 19141945 Enzo Traverso, David Fernbach About This Book Europe's second Thirty Years' Waran epoch of blood and ashes Fire and Blood looks at the European crisis of the two world wars as a single historical sequence: the age of the European Civil War (19141945). On the other hand, according to the general consensus, the region of modern Serbia, being a part of the Ottoman Empire, has not attracted the curiosity of the antiquarians until the second half of the 18th century. The special credit should be paid to the antiquarian movement and the generations of its followers. The all-encompassing changes that have shaped the west of Europe during the early modern period, introducing new ways of perceiving (and investigating) the whole universe, and each individual as well, have decisively influenced the foundations of our discipline. Left-Wing Melancholia: Marxism, History, and Memory (New Directions in Critical Theory, 17) by.